One-Time Pad cipher in Python
Read more: One-Time Pad cipher in PythonThe One-Time Pad cipher was proposed by Joseph Mauborgne. In this post, I’ll show you a Python implementation of this cipher. This cipher is the same as the Vernam cipher. The only difference is that every key is used only once. So, we need to generate a random key every time we encrypt a new…
Vernam cipher in Python
Read more: Vernam cipher in PythonVernam cipher was introduced by Gilbert Vernam in 1918. In this post, I’ll explain the algorithm and show the implementation in Python. Vernam cipher is the ultimate defense against the cryptanalysis used to break the Vigenère cipher. The mentioned attack relies on the fact that the key and the plain text share the same frequency…
How to implement the Vigenère cipher in python
Read more: How to implement the Vigenère cipher in pythonAnother substitution cipher is the Vigenère cipher. In this post, I give you an explanation of the cipher and a python implementation. The Vigenère cipher is categorized under polyalphabetic substitution ciphers. This type of cipher works as follows[1]: The Vigenère cipher This cipher is quite easy to understand. We apply the Caesar cipher to each…
How to implement the Hill Cipher in Python?
Read more: How to implement the Hill Cipher in Python?The Hill cipher is a multi-letter cipher. It is based on Linear Algebra operations, specifically matrix operations. It was created in 1929 by the mathematician Lester Hill. Some concepts you might want to revisit are matrix multiplication and inversion. The Hill cipher To encrypt a text with the Hill cipher, we have to encrypt three…
How to implement the Playfair cipher in python?
Read more: How to implement the Playfair cipher in python?The Playfair cipher is a multiple letter encryption cipher that uses a substitution technique. The steps to implement it are as follows: Create a 5×5 matrix using the secrete key. In this matrix, I and J are in the same cell. you start filling the matrix with the key, then you use the alphabet. Letters…
Python implementation of the Caesar cipher
Read more: Python implementation of the Caesar cipherThe Caesar cipher is an encryption technique used by Julius Caesar to send communications that had military importance for his empire. Today is a technique that is studied in Cryptography under the classification of substitution ciphers, a topic that at the same time is under classic cryptography. It is also known as a shift cipher,…